Wednesday 27 February 2019

It's no good for your elf

The elf army now stands at 30 units! It is amazing how cheaply you can pick up units on ebay, especially since there aren't Elves as such in AOS. Just a few more units to do and then it will be done.
To me most of the Old warhammer high elves look Norman more than anything else so I have a mainly foot army with a few elite units of horse to represent the nobles.
As it is an undivided Elf army, I amd happy to have Dark Elf and Wood Elf units as well. To me they represent differing Thanedoms, in the same way a Wessex army would have been a bit different to a Mercian or Welsh army.
Next onto the painting table are their opponents, lots of goblins.
For rules I am thinking of using Hail Caeser! But might try the new Warlords of Erewhon as I've just picked up the rules.

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